Saturday, July 31, 2010

How To Get Out Of Debt Fast Without Filing Bankruptcy Or Debt Consolidation

Anyone needing to get rid of credit card debt should check this out.

That’s right less than a year ago I had over $63,000 in credit card debt. I was miserable, felt buried and tired of getting harassing phone calls… I FELT LIKE THERE WAS NO WAY OUT! After utilizing these 7 simple steps I was out of debt FAST! ORDER NOW...

Welcome to Fight BIG Government.

I hope you find this site educational. Our country is in dire straits and it needs people to wake up and speak out. She has been hijacked by a group of powerful, wealthy, global tyrants. Those groups of people include the following: The Trilateral Commission, The Council on Foreign Relations, The Bilderburg Group, The United Nations and others. These groups are responsible for how the world turns. Behind closed doors these groups are making life changing decisions which will effect us and our children. Through out this web site you will find my opinions about many things I have researched and studied. For the most part this site is dedicated to all of life's corruptions and dangers you may or may not know about. 

This site contains many videos that will keep you up to speed on what's really happening in our country. I am not a Republican nor a Democrat! Both parties are controlled by the establishment. I didn't like Bush and I don't like Obama. There are very few of our elected leaders that actually wish to uphold the Constitution. This site exposes the corrupt and praises the few that do. I would love to hear your opinions. 

Designing Web Sites
Seeing your vision come to life is a great feeling. It's so interesting to watch your vision grow and mature. This process can be quite a task and I am here to help you every step of the way.This page was created for you. I hope it helps answer questions that you have and makes the process of birthing a new web site a pleasurable one. The Internet is by far your best outlet for reaching people and allowing them to find the information they need to know about you at their convenience. Let my 11 years of Web Publishing experience work for you. Call today for a free consultation regarding your needs.

Step 1) The Domain Name
When building a web site there are many things you must consider. By now you already have a pretty good idea what your web site will do for you and what information it will contain. With that said a Domain Name is your next line of work. A Domain Name is your Domain Names are very inexpensive but the decision is one you will have to live with so give it some serious thought. Finding a good Domain Name has become pretty difficult. You could say all the good ones are gone but there are still many names yet discovered. Short phrases that are easy to remember are becoming more popular due to single word Domain Names being long gone. If you get lucky maybe your business name is available if not then you will need to keep searching. Having what you do in the Domain Name is a good idea but it's not always an easy task. Extremely long Domain Names are also a bad idea. I recommend only .com Domain Names. To see if a Domain Name is available I would suggest using Domain Monger allows for you to check availability of Domain Names and also gives you a list of suggestions based on what you searched for. After you have found that perfect Domain Name your next step is to find Web Hosting. Web Hosting is what is needed for your Web Sites information. It is a computer that has your Web Site on it and your Domain Name is pointed to it so that your Web Site is viewable to everyone on the Internet. Today Domain Name registration and Web Hosting go hand in hand and are provided by the same Internet company in most cases. All though you can purchase a Domain Name and Web Hosting from two different Internet companies I highly recommend you purchase both from the same company for your convenience. It's always best to take care of Domain Name Registration and Web Hosting on your own and have them registered in your name not a Web Designers.

Step 2) Web Hosting
Web Hosting is a computer server that your Web Site resides on. When you have hosting you are in reality renting space on a computers hard drive which is accessible to those surfing the Web. There are many Web Hosting companies. Most Internet companies offering hosting will also offer you a Domain Name. Look for special promotions to save you money. Some companies will give you a free domain name with a Web Hosting package. There are a few differences in Web Hosting packages. Things to look for are Storage Space and Bandwidth. Storage space is how much physical storage you have to save your Web Site information. Most Web Hosting packages will offer you more than you need in most cases. Bandwidth is the amount of traffic you have accessing your Web Site. I have found it's best to just get unlimited storage and bandwidth at a discounted price. Web Hosting has become extremely affordable and it makes it almost senseless to not get unlimited service. I recommend Their service is great, their speed is awesome and their support is quick to resolve any issues that may arise. As of this writing they are offering unlimited service for only $3.95 a month with a free Domain Name and a slew of other freebies. Now that you have your Domain Name and Web Hosting it's time to start constructing your site.

Step 3) Pre-Design
Pre-Design is the key to a great Web Site. The more thought you put into how your site works and how people will use it the better. Start by thinking of the various page names you will have. Open up your word processor software and write them all down. Then start to populate them with your ideas. Write out the text you would like to have on each page. Think about images you may want to have on the page and where you would like to put them. Your Home Page is very important. It's the page that most people will see first. The first paragraph on your Home Page is extremely important. When search engines such as Google search the Internet for new Web Sites and content they look closely at your first paragraph. They look for keywords to understand what your site is about. Using keywords in your first paragraph will help your site be found more easily and help your new site to gain ranking. Google ranking is very important. As your site gains popularity it will gain ranking. Ranking is how close to the top your site is when someone does a search on Google for the keywords you would like to be found under. For example: If you owned a Lawn Care company in Toledo ,Ohio you would want to be found on the top of Google's search results when someone searched for Lawn Care Toledo Ohio. As your site gets hits and gains popularity your ranking will increase. Having a list of about 15 keywords for your web designers use is also very helpful.

Specify the colors you would like to be present on your Web Site.
Is your site going to have members which will sign up to have access to privileged content. Building a members list will allow you to mass email them quickly and easily with any promotions or new products you may offer. Keep in mind, if you wish to have members sign up on the site you have to give them something in return. Special promotional coupons are always a great way to get registered members.

Would you like to have polls on your new Web Site? Polls are very useful for gaining information about your users and provides interactivity on your site. I highly suggest polls and it's fun to accumulate results.

Step 4) Building Your Site

After completing the above steps It's time to start building your new site. Contact me with this information. When I design sites I first design the look and the feel of the site (The Theme). I start by adding your logo and working with the various colors you have selected for your site. After the theme is complete I begin adding content to the pages you have decided on. I add any additional components you would like on the site such as polls. Your key words are added to the site so that it can be indexed my Google. During the building of your site you will see the progress while it's built. This allows for quick changes you may decide on and let's you have control of how things are going. Now that we have the site up and looking good I finish by adding Google Analytics to your site. Google Analytics allow for you to monitor the sites hits and other valuable statistics. If your site will be accepting payments I use Paypal and will gladly walk you through the process of having your account attached to the site. I finish off the site by configuring it to your email address and I issue you a username and password for the site so that you can manage it. Now the site is ready for business. I will gladly make any other minor adjustments you wish to make the site just perfect for you. Additional service fees after site completion are on a case by case basis.

Your new site is yours. You have full control of it. You own it. Basic changes to the site can be made by you directly from the Web Site using your provided username and password. My sites are built using Joomla. Joomla is an advanced Content Management System type Web Site which allows the end user to manage it easily. If you wish to completely manage your site and all functions of it I would highly suggest you learn Joomla. There are many resources online to help you.